Sunday, July 12, 2009

Activities & Calories Increase Your Activity levels


A person who increases the amount they exercise, yet sticks to the same diet and calorie intake, is highly likely to lose weight.

Should you not be a fan of gyms, light exercise, like a short 20 minute walk, is beneficial especially if undertaken on a daily basis.

Each time you exercise more than usual, you burn calories and fat.

There are many ways of increasing your activity levels, such as, walking, running, cycling, swimming, racket sports, aerobics classes and team sports.

If you can find something you enjoy that in itself makes it easier to exercise, then stick to that.

  • It is essential to build your activity into your daily routine.
  • At the weekend, ditch the car and walk to your local shops. Try to walk more, incorporating longer walks into outings to the park, coast or countryside and take a picnic so you are in control of what you are going to eat that day.
  • Each extra step you walk helps. Walk up the stairs as opposed to using lifts. When you are on the bus, get off a stop before the one you need and walk the remainder of the way.
  • Decrease Your Calorie Intake
  • What is overweight?
  • Doctors use a tool called Body Mass Index (BMI) to ascertain a person’s weight.
  • A BMI of 18.5-25 is considered healthy.
  • Should you have a BMI of greater than 25 you are overweight.
  • Should you have a BMI of greater than 30 you are obese.
  • Should your BMI be over 40 you are morbidly obese.
  • Should you be overweight, it is not advisable to continue with your present eating habits.

It is impossible to decrease body fat when eating lots of cakes, sweets and food, cakes and sweets. This of course does not mean you are never again able to have a treat. This means you need to restrict your intake of such foods to quantities and special occasions.

With regard to weight loss, you are able to get your body to burn up current stores of fat by eating less and opting for healthier food choices.

You do not need to crash diet, that is, start eating less than 1,500 calories on a daily basis. This often results in the dieter getting weak or giving up in frustration. Quick-fix diets often result in a yo-yoing effect of sudden weight loss followed by quick weight gain, which results in a vicious cycle.

There are no shortcuts to losing weight steadily and healthily.

Should you eat 300-500 fewer calories per day you can lose 1-2 pounds per week. That is a highly realistic target. It seems slow, yet this adds up to a weight loss of three stones plus within a year.

Fat contains the greatest number of calories amongst all food types (protein and carbohydrates). Hence, a great way to lose weight is to cut down on fatty foods, eat more wholegrain bread, fruit and vegetables.

Simple Ways of Cutting Down your Calorie Intake
  • Replace fizzy drinks and fruit squashes with water.
  • Change whole milk for semi-skimmed, or semi skimmed for skimmed.
  • Eat less at lunch time than you would usually. Try to make your own sandwiches, limiting your use of margarine/butter as well as full-fat mayonnaise. Remember that shop bought sandwiches usually contain margarine/butter and full fat mayonnaise.
  • Try to stop taking sugar in tea and coffee.
  • Try to eat smaller portions of foods you enjoy.
  • Try not to have seconds at meal times.
  • Leave out unhealthy treats like, crisps, sweets, chocolates and sweet biscuits between meals.
  • Reduce or totally omit drinking beer and other alcohol.
  • Do not skip breakfast or any other meal for that matter in order to lose weight. Should you skip a meal, you will be left much hungrier at your next meal. You are likely to overeat in order to compensate as well as make poor choices of food to fill up.
  • Try to eat regular meals, as irregular dietary habits disrupt your body’s metabolism, making it a lot harder to lose weight.
  • Write down what you eat daily in a diet diary.

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